
Ommen, The Netherlands


August 22 – 30, 2019


Participants from The Netherlands, Latvia, Portugal, Spain and Romania.

Foster physical activity and promote healthy lifestyle among youngsters, which altogether is pivotal in building an healthier European society and increase general wellbeing and quality of life.
Objectives of the project:
  • Highlight benefits of physicial activty and how to achieve them;
  • Discover and promote principles of healthy lifestyle (grassroots sport), eating behaviour, daily schedule);
  • Prevent sedentary behaviour;
  • Understand a long term perspective of benefits of having a healthy lifestyle and how this influences the whole nation;
  • Help participants to acquire skills and attitudes needed to live healthy and the motivation to use them after this YE;
  • Coordinate and work constructively with others, overcoming cultural and language barriers, to achieve common goals;
  • Promote the accessibility of the Erasmus + Pro- gramme for young people with fewer opportunities.